November 3, 2015

U.S. Patent #9,173,388. The second part of “Radiating Systems for Affecting Insect Behavior” was awarded on November 3, 2015 (co-author) by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

September 16-17, 2015

Dr. Dykstra was invited to review 100+ years of the citrus industry while pointing out the reasons for the recent demise in Florida.  The title of this comprehensive talk was “Growing Citrus, Citrus Diseases and Citrus Pests” and was given at the Soil Works LLC Annual Sales Meeting in Phoenix, AZ.

March 24, 2015

U.S. Patent #8,984,800 was awarded to Dr. Dykstra (co-author) and is entitled “Radiating Systems for Affecting Insect Behavior”

March 11-12, 2015

Dr. Dykstra presented a talk entitled “Electrical Conductivity in Agriculture” for the Soil Works Spring Growers Meeting in Yankton, SD. 

February 2-3, 2015

Dr. Dykstra presented four times at the Back to Your Roots Annual Workshop.  His main talk was entitled “Electrical Conductivity in Agriculture”.  Additionally, he conducted three breakout sessions discussing Brix readings as they relate to crop plants.

January 6-7, 2015

Dr. Dykstra presented at the 3rd annual Soil Health Symposium in St. Hyacinthe, Quebec, Canada.  His presentation was entitled “What Insects Tell Us About the Health of Our Soils” and was translated into French.  The following day he participated in a Q&A session (with a translator) involving a select group of growers from Quebec.