December 2022

Dr. Dykstra was invited on to the Joe Gardener podcast in order to talk about Brix and how it affects plants and pests.

November 2022

Dr. Dykstra was invited to speak at the online North American Fruit Explorers Meeting ( The title of his presentation was “Fruit Pests and their Food Preferences”.

November 2022

Dr. Dykstra was invited as a keynote speaker to the Plant Nutrition Summit in Loveland, CO sponsored by Nutrien Ag.  His two presentations included “Why Insects Do Not and Cannot Attack Healthy Plants” and “Electrical Conductivity of Crop Soils”.  He provided a Q&A session at the end of the conference.

September 2022

Dr. Dykstra provided a webinar for Advancing Eco-Agriculture entitled “Taste in Aphids: a chemoreceptive protein analysis

August 2022

Dr. Dykstra provided a webinar for Advancing Eco-Agriculture entitled “Deciphering the Insect Olfactory Code

August 2022

Dr. Dykstra provided a webinar for Advancing Eco-Agriculture entitled “Toward a New Theory of Insect Olfaction

July 2022

Dr. Dykstra provided a webinar for Advancing Eco-Agriculture (link to entitled “Problems with the Current Theory of Insect Olfaction” (link to

June 2022

Dr. Dykstra was interviewed on the Humanley Podcast Episode 60: Dr. Thomas Dykstra- entomologist explains why insects cannot attack healthy plants.

June 2022

Dr. Dykstra was interviewed on the No-Till Flowers Podcast whose discussion was entitled “The Magical Brix Number that Stops Pests- an exciting conversation with Dr. Tom Dykstra”.

February 2022

Dr. Dykstra presented a short talk in Tifton, GA at the Georgia Citrus Association Annual Conference entitled “Insects Don’t Feed on Healthy Plants”.

January 2022

Dr. Dykstra provided a two-part keynote presentation in Wichita, KS at the No-Till on the Plains Annual Conference entitled “Insects and Brix: why only unhealthy plants are attacked (Parts I and II)” as well as a breakout session entitled “Measuring Soil Conductivity and Why Would We Do This?”

January 2022

Dr. Dykstra provided a keynote presention in Louisville, KY at the National No-Tillage Conference entitled “Using Insects as Indicators for Plant Health” and a classroom presentation entitled “Insect/Plant Interactions between 6 and 14 Leaf Brix”.