November 14, 2019

Dr. Dykstra was invited to present the keynote lecture at the 3rd Annual Soil Health Conference in Budapest, Hungary. The title of his talk was “Hungary Insects Only Attack Unhealthy Plants”. The meeting boasted over 300 of Hungary’s top farmers.

November 11-12, 2019

Dr. Dykstra provided consulting services to Demeter Biosystems of Budapest, Hungary and included two days of consulting field walks covering, soil layers, crop plants, cover crops, irrigation, as well as general farming techniques and equipment.

November 1, 2019

Provided consulting services to IMS Expert Services in Pensacola, Florida.

September 20, 2019

Served as a consultant to Qualitree Propagators Inc. which is one of the largest nurseries in Canada.

September 7, 2019

The laboratory filed its eighth patent entitled “Determining Odorant Detection in Arthropods” with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

March 2019

Provided consulting services to Boyd & Jenerette P.A. in Orlando, FL.

March 2019

Provided continuing consulting services to Cole, Scott, & Kissane P.A. in Miami, FL.

March 2019

Provided consulting services to Jaszczuk P.C. Attorneys located in Chicago, IL.

February 2019

Provided consulting services to Slotin Law, LLC in Tampa, FL.

January 2019

Provided consulting services for Kovar Law Group in St. Petersburg, FL.