Leaf Brix and Insect Herbivory

A Century of Florida Citrus Production: Understanding Insect Pressure in Oranges

Problems with the Current Theory of Insect Olfaction

Toward a New Theory of Insect Olfaction

Towards the Deciphering of the Insect Olfactory Code

Taste in Aphids: a chemoreceptive protein analysis

How Insect Pests Identify Unhealthy Plants with Dr. Tom Dykstra

Growing Pest Resistant Fruit Trees with Thomas Dykstra, Ph.D.

Why Pests Don’t Attack Healthy Fruit Trees

Challenging the Insect Olfaction Paradigm

Disproving the Current Theory of Insect Olfaction: temporal evidence (Part I)

Disproving the Current Theory of Insect Olfaction: temporal evidence (Part II)

Disproving the Current Theory of Insect Olfaction: temporal evidence (Part III)

Mysteries of Insect Olfaction (Part I)

Mysteries of Insect Olfaction (Part II)

Mysteries of Insect Olfaction (Part III)

Protein Semiconductors in Relation to Insect Olfaction

Exploring “Regenerative Agriculture”

Healthy Plants 101

Short “What’s Regenerative, Sustainable, Organic, and Healthy?

Short “BRIX: the first step in understanding plant health”

Short “BRIX Levels for Plant Resistance Resistance”

Short “Why Pests Attack Fruit Trees”

Short “Plant-Feeding Insects LOVE Unhealthy Plants”